Can Red Raspberry Leaf induce Labor?

by admin on April 26, 2012

Red Raspberry is one of the most well-known herbs used for multiple purposes and more specifically as a uterine tonic/female reproductive aid used by people for thousands of years.  Red Raspberry Leaf has been noted that it does not cause contractions or encourage labor. The idea of Red Raspberry is not so much to hurry up the labor but to advance at a nice, stable pace.  It helps contractions to be more productive once true labor starts because it strengthens the uterine and pelvic muscles.  Because the uterine and pelvic muscles (muscles used for delivery) are toned and stronger this may help in reducing the pain during labor and after birth but doesn’t void the pain of dilation of cervix.  According to the American Pregnancy Association, Red Raspberry Leaf eases labor by toning the uterine muscles, decreases postpartum bleeding, as well as increases breast milk production.

Red Raspberry Leaf does take several weeks to accumulate in your system so it won’t work to bring on labor.   Red Raspberry Leaf Tea will likely work best if you take it around 30-32 weeks to give it enough time to accumulate in the body. Starting off with one cup per day and increase it to three cups. Other options include capsules, pills, or liquid supplementation. If you have strong Braxton Hicks contractions following drinking the tea, you can either discontinue drinking it or cut the amount you drink.

Some suggestions to help during early labor while at home include sipping the hot tea or sucking on red raspberry frozen chips made from the tea. This can also be done throughout labor to keep the uterus working strongly and smoothly. It isn’t a good idea to drink red raspberry leaf tea if you are being induced or having a hormone drip.

Postpartum red raspberry has many benefits as well.  It is thought to boost immunity due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals, help the uterus contract back to its original shape, help fight infections, and boost breast milk supply.

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